Virtual Team Facilitation

Interactive Video

Remote Coaching
At-Distance Services
We have adapted our current services and created innovative new ones, to help our clients work at-distance. These include: Coaching, Team Development, Training and Facilitation, Online Events and Video.
OPAQUE: an innovative new product taking People Deliver Projects live experiential events and reinventing them in an online interactive video format, ‘attended’ by working teams and communities. By interacting with professionally filmed stories, the product sits between live large events, team development and e-learning. The online product can be given to teams to self-manage, or it can be orchestrated on a single day as an alternative to an away-day or face-to-face conference. Download the PDF below to find out more.
SPACE: Our second interactive online product takes us into the space of Mental Health and Wellbeing Conversations. By interacting with professionally filmed stories, the product sits between live large events, team development and e-learning. Mental wellbeing affects all of us every day, and yet how often are we asked about it? Our ability to be vulnerable and talk about it with another person is almost always somewhere on the path to better mental health, but this requires a listener with just the right intention, mindset and nuanced set of skills. Download the PDF below to find out more.
A variant of team performance facilitation, specifically in the context of teams moving from face-to-face to virtual working. ADAPT is typically 3 sessions which help a team to maintain relationships and performance, by working out how they will function and behave virtually. PERFORM takes this further to tackle important team issues and raise team performance.
An existing service applying coaching and/or mentoring, remotely over video conference
Popular in our development programmes, these personalised learning sessions adapt well to on-line. In facilitated groups of 3 to 5, individuals work with a coach and support from others. Peer consulting and personalised role plays create impact, with rich feedback and powerful learning.
(Incorporating Action Learning Sets), our people skills and leadership learning packaged into half-day chunks, applying the best of ‘at-distance’ formats, including adaptations of forum theatre. Lighter on content, very light on theory, lots of breakouts, with practical exercises and personalised practice.
A library of short free videos on topical remote working themes, giving a 'light lift' to online communications. These themes include: Home working challenges, wellbeing, safety, Project Management life, and more. Go to the Oscars page
Our two-day training on the fundamentals of project process and people skills, adapted to two half-day on-line workshops, delivered over video-conference.
Short and sharp live sessions of forum theatre and other interactive formats, typically 45 minutes long for audiences of up to 20 people over video conference. A single learning theme for each bite.
If you'd like to find out more about any of our services, please get in touch
What our customers say
James Powell

Alan Haile

"TEAM ADAPT gave us the chance to talk about performance, and to support each other, sharing some anxiety and challenge at a difficult time."
Andrew Turner

"The experiential element sets People Deliver Projects apart"